
SEC operates from september to september, and is an annual project. The project has various phases as you can see below. Swipe over the text to view a short description of each phase!


What we offer

In short SEC offers:

  1. Tailor-made research in all business fields (Finance, IT, SCM, Strategy, etc.).
  2. We investigate company-specific opportunities in a country of your choice.
  3. Specialized, international student-consultants who provide new insights.
  4. Connected to the best business university in the Netherlands and trained by professional consultants.

The students conducting the research are selected on dedication, commitment, enthusiasm and expertise to select the best of the best for your company! This is done to ensure that we can deliver valuable findings, and conduct meaningful research.

The possibilities of our consultancy services are extensive. Below you can see some examples, but this is only an indication of what we offer. You can always contact us if you have any questions, or want additional information.

Two years ago, we started our long-term partnership pool. Are you interested in our initiative, but the timing is not right? Or do you want to make sure your company is first in line? Then join our long-term partnership pool! Click here to find out more.


Corporate brochure

Want to receive more information about what we can offer to your organization? Take a look at our corporate brochure!

Corporate brochure

Interested in what SEC can do for your company?

Send us an email at info@rsmstar.nl

or call us at +31 (0)10 408 20 37



Find out more about SEC’s history! Click here!

Research options

Entering strategy

Do you want to enter a new market in a country of your choice? We can help by researching all the factors that go into starting up business in this specific country. We can even help you decide which country is best.

Market research

Through market research we can identify and define market opportunities for clients. To gain more insights into consumer behavior or a specific target-group, data can be gathered and analyzed. Research for companies in the B2B industry is also possible.

Value chain analysis

Through this analysis, we can investigate possibilities in every stage of the supply chain. For example, we can conduct research about suppliers, distributors, or (potential) customers. Moreover, we can analyze opportunities for outsourcing business or foreign direct investment opportunities.

Competitor analysis

A competitor analysis considers the nature and extent of the competition. Additionally, it identifies major competitors, their strengths and weaknesses and those of their products, their objectives, their strategies and their technologies. Also, the market structure is examined closely.

Feasibility analysis

With this analysis, we can examine the feasibility of entry into the chosen market. We can evaluate your business position and formulate a strategy of entry based on the results. This analysis can also be performed on an industry level.

Supplier analysis

In this analysis, we investigate the supplier landscape and identify the best and most fitting suppliers for your company.