Overview of the projects

Each project has its own unique challenge what makes every project different. Within the past 36 years, SEC has conducted research in all the blue colored countries! Below the map you can find more details about former projects.


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Market research Belgium and Northern France 2021

This company is active as an expert in textiles in two markets: Home Textiles and Workwear. They are experiencing that a Belgian competitor is penetrating the Dutch bed and bath linen market. They look at this with great interest and feel that they can penetrate the Belgian market and the market in Northern France! Conduct a competitor analysis, a customer analysis and a feasibility analysis during desk research. Validate your findings during 2 weeks of field research.

Explore new markets worldwide 2021

This project is all about exploring new and dynamic markets! The company is an agency specialized in honest online reviews powered by big data and artificial intelligence. They would like SEC to research the honest online review markets abroad, especially by focussing on North-America, Europe and Asia. Create a client profitability model, conduct a client analysis, a competitor  analysis and M&A analysis during desk research.

* As the management of this company operates completely online, only online field research will be conducted.


Expansion opportunities throughout the world 2021

This company is already selling their cosmetics internationally. Nevertheless, they received many orders of consumers from countries where they are less active. This requires further investigation! Research the benefits of selling through brick and mortar stores, major department stores and their own online store. Furthermore, research the benefits of advertising through influencers or traditional advertisement. Conduct research in 9 different countries all over the world during desk research.

* It depends on the results of the desk research whether the field research is conducted online or in real life.

Expansion possibilities in Europe 2021

The company of this project is active in software escrow services. This industry is a mix of legal and tech aspects and is very dynamic. The company is relatively unaware of the software escrow markets abroad and therefore wants to investigate these markets more closely. The company also feels the need to broaden its horizons. Therefore, the european markets and expansion opportunities must be explored! Research 7 European countries during desk research and visit the most promising country during field research.

Market research Europe 2021

This project consists of extensive market research in European countries. The company is active in railway infrastructure.  Having been very successful in The Netherlands, the company now wants to expand into Europe. Research 7 countries during desk research. Map the 4 most suitable countries, visit them during field research and interview stakeholders!





In-depth Market Analysis in India 2020

This project consist of an extensive market analysis focused on the Indian market. The company is a leading innovator in exterior wall cladding materials, and has the ambition to expand to Asia. India will be the first Asian country to expand to. The research includes a market analysis in which a market entry strategy, a competitor strategy and a distribution strategy will be formulated. First, the desk research will show which locations have to be visited in India. During the field trip, meetings with local distributors, potential customers and the local government will be arranged.

*This project was unfortunately cancled due to the COVID-19 virus

Pre-feasibility Analysis in Malaysia 2020

The focus of this project was on a pre-feasibility analysis. A construction company wanted to build their product in Malaysia at various locations. Together with a local partner the consultants visited potential sites situated throughout the Sabah state. The consultants also got to talk to various stakeholders such as the Malaysian government. In the end they presented a list of the most suitable locations to the company.

* The field research got canceld due to the COVID-19 virus. Nevertheless, the consultants caried out desk research and provided the company with usefull insights.

Green energy in Colombia 2020

This project was focused on sustainable energy. The company wanted to introduce green energy to Colombia, and has worked with SEC in the past. The project consisted of the renewing of previous findings, and finding new ways to bring green energy to the market. They wanted to look into possible partnerships in Colombia, and discover whether they needed to enter the Colombian market themselves. On overall the consultants were responsible for determining the best entery strategy.

* The field research got canceld due to the COVID-19 virus. Nevertheless, the consultants caried out desk research and provided the company with usefull insights.

General Market Research in Europe 2020

This company needed SEC to conduct a very broad research, with a focus on several European countries. The company developed a product which can digitalize an entire supply chain. They were looking to sell their product throughout Europe. SEC determined the most suitable countries to introduce the product to during the desk research. During the field research SEC would visit these 4 countries and confirm the desk research findings and possibly even sell the product.

*Due to the COVID-19 virus SEC only visited one country during fieldresearch.

Sustainability Sourcing in China 2019

For this project the focus was on making a juice company’s sourcing more sustainable. The research concentrated on the current sources and their sustainability capacities, and looked for new ways of sustainable sourcing.

Distributor Analysis in Spain 2019

SEC worked for an electronics company in a niche market, trying to find new distributors. This project provided a challenging supply chain problem, where it was necessary to take a very practical approach and get out in the field.

Complete Market Analysis in Turkey 2019

This was a very broad research project, including a customer-, competitor-, distributor- and an overall market analysis. The client was a international fabric company looking to get more foothold in the competitive and challenging Turkish market.

Water Systems in a Developing Country 2019

For this project the focus was on defining the next focus country for a NGO implementing water systems in developing countries. By looking into multiple factors like current infrastructure, institutions and policies to determine if Sri Lanka, Benin or Bangladesh the next focus country was determined. On the field trip, SEC visited the chosen focus country and made the first step to set up a water system.

Extensive Market Research in Spain, UK and NL 2019

A fruit company wanted to improve their position in the European market. The project was huge and even divided over three different companies. Because of the different geographic locations, excellent coordination and communication skills were a must! Again the research was broad and covered every business aspect in detail including market-, customer-, distributor- and competitor analysis.